
The simple life & vintage love...

How does one combine the need for a simpler life, less stuff and more space with a long lasting, rather intens love affair with vintage? Yes: I want to work towards a life with less possessions but oh, how I love the excitement of discovering that unique item, that rare find, that diamond in the rough! 

Through the years I've gathered together a rather impressive collection of vintage items that I happily display around my house. Loads of ceramic vases, framed cards, paintings, plant pots, glass jars, little statues etc. And yes, they make me happy...right?
But one day last week, after watching this documentary on tiny houses I found myself feeling overwhelmed by all my precious items. Going from room to room I suddenly found myself feeling burdened and tired. For a second I thought: "I need more closet space!!" But soon realized that I had no idea where to place these new closets! So I didn't hesitate for a second longer and got out several bin bags and boxes and started taking items off my shelves, out of my cupboards, off my walls and packing them up and you know what? It was so much easier then I would have imagined! Suddenly I could see that a lot of my vases were cracked, some of my frames were broken and I had to admit that I had hardly looked at a lot of my precious pieces even though they had been right in front of me!
But I didn't force myself; whenever I felt the need to hold on to something, I just put it back or gave it a new spot. But here's the surprising thing: in the days that followed, it felt as though I had overcome an obstacle and was ready to let go of a lot more items, filling bag after bag and box after box and (this may sound corny but it is so true) it left me feeling lighter and lighter. Seizing this moment of temporary courage, I dived in my wardrobe and found that I could easily let go of 25% of my clothes. 
Soon my garden shed was filled, top to bottom with bags and boxes ready to be taken (bless my ex-husband and his car) to thrift stores and the local recycle centre.
In the days that followed I noticed that I didn't miss any of the items I had cleared out and on top of that experienced a new appreciation for the items that I had kept. As though these had gone through a serious evaluation and were winners; my prized possessions! And because of the new space I'd created, now they can be truly seen. 
This is what simple living is about, isn't it? Not a competition between fellow "simple lifers" of who can do with the least, but finding that place of balance where you know and truly appreciate what you have, giving you a new sense of gratitude and joy. 
But here's the challenge: Can I really go without the adrenaline rush of going on a vintage hunt?? Can I bike by my favorite thrift shop without buying something? Should this even be a goal? For now I do not feel the need to immediately fill up my shelves and walls again, I can even say that I'm relieved that I don't have to anymore, I'm even suspecting that I'll clear out even more. And sure, if I were to come across something really beautiful I think I would buy it but I made a pledge: I would have to get rid of something else, to prevent clogging up again.
So yes: You can be on the path to a simpler life with less stuff and still be that vintage-love-kinda-girl!

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